Hunter Happiness!

Blog about a shar pei puppy named Hunter.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sorry we've been gone for a while...

Hunter got neutered on Friday 10/27. He's doing very very good. We paid extra and found a vet that does laser surgery. The incision area is only about 1 inch long- other surgerys have 2 incisions about double that size. He was back to his regular self the next day- and hasn't been picking at the stitches at all. What a good boy!

Hunter at 18/19 wks.

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Hunter and a "puppy freak out"

Hunter playing with his crocodile toy

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hunter and daddy practicing sit and lay down.

The cutest thing about teaching him how to lay down: We are teaching him the word down and using the hand signal (moving a flat hand down). It's cute cuz before hunter lays down his paw does the hand signal too.

hunter with the squeeky hotdog that grandma and grandpa got him.

Hunter with his squeeky chocolate donut

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Hunter with his purple/green ball.

We got 3 of these little balls as part of a wendy's kids meal. He only gets to play with them when we're watching him (since they're so small and are easy to rip to shreds). All of them are different colors- blue/yellow, red/blue, and this purple/green one. We can throw all of them at once- and he always goes for the purple/green one. I guess we know what his favorite colors are :)

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hunter looking outside

Hunter loves to watch the kids outside playing. He'll bark once or twice- just to let them know he's there- in hopes that they'll come let him play too.

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