Hunter Happiness!

Blog about a shar pei puppy named Hunter.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Hunter trying to get treats out of his kong. long video full of cuteness.

Hunter likes to sleep on my feet.

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12-23-2006 001

Hunters xmas stocking

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12-23-2006 003

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Pics of Hunter's trip to the park

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and no he's not sad...
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12-19-2006 004
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12-19-2006 010
12-19-2006 011
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12-19-2006 019
12-19-2006 023
12-19-2006 025

Hunter playing in the woods

Hunter tricks n games video

just some hunter chillin' pics...

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12-19-2006 001

Friday, December 01, 2006

he's getting big...

random pics...

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rndm 037
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rndm 007

i'm planning on taking some hunter in the snow pics this sunday coming up... maybe even a video :)